Legacy by Edward Clay Wright
Jump Rope by Bryan Greene
Joy of His World by Kevin A. Williams (WAK)
Jamila's Surprise by Carl Owens
Indisposed by Sydney Morgan
In Mother's Hand AP by Keith Mallett
I'm a Big Girl Now by Hulis Mavruk
Historic Females by Lionel Talaro
Heirloom by Bryan Greene
Heaven Sent by Kevin A. Williams (WAK)
Heart to Heart by Jamilla
Hannah's Love by Jason DeLancey
Half Pint by Kathryn Wooten
Grandma's Hands by Tim Hinton
Goodnight, Sleep Tight by Ray Simmons
Good Friends by Tom McKinney
God, Touch Our Children by Donald "Battery Man" Young
Give It Up by Frank Morrison
Girl With Teddy Bear by Dexter Griffin
Generations by Keith Mallett
Fresh Eggs by Thomas Wood
First Graduation by Kenneth Gatewood