Little Promenade by Danny Phifer
Listen to the Frito Lay by Paul Goodnight
Last Supper by Lionel Talaro
Homeboys - Brown Paper by Larry Poncho Brown
Golden and Elegant by Dexter Griffin
God Bless The Child by Frank Cardozo Nicholas
Face Reality (Female) (mini) by Laurie Cooper
Cotton Field by Alix Beaujour
Comb and Brush by Ray Simmons
Choir March by John Holyfield
Born To Shop by Randy Leger
Autumn Magic by Albert Fennell
Autumn Magic - Signed by Albert Fennell
As One by Kevin A. Williams (WAK)
Angels in the Rafters by Sarah Jenkins
Ain't Gonna Study War No More by Frank Spivey
After the Ritual (Sisterhood) - Signed by William Kwamena-Poh
A Woman's Work by Kevin A. Williams (WAK)
A Special Place by Gail Goodwin
1, 2, 3 by Frank Morrison
Beauty of Color by Tim Ashkar
Praying Hands by Tim Ashkar
Sing America by K. Hadley
Market Trail (Serigraph) by William Kwamena-Poh